Who we are

The TIS Grupa team consists more than 120 specialized experts united in companies based in Croatia, the United Kingdom and Slovenia.

TIS Grupa

Bluebird ITSolutions



More than 30 years, we have been developing, implementing and maintaining innovative ICT solutions that affect millions of users

We have regionally been recognized as a reliable partner in the development of innovative business solutions in the financial, telecommunications, manufacturing, transportation and logistics industries, as well as in the public sector. With a strong vision, clear principles and quality work, we have expanded the boundaries of our business operations to markets in Europe and the world. The TIS Grupa team consists of more than 120 specialized experts united in companies based in Croatia, the United Kingdom and Slovenia.

Since our establishment in 1989, our employees have been living and working in accordance with the principles of responsibility, creative activity, self-criticism, ethics, learning and love. We nurture teamwork and a positive corporate culture that sets us apart from the competition.

The world’s leading ICT companies IBM, K2, Namirial, Oracle, Mikrocop, Automation Anywhere, RedHat i DSi Compliance are our partners with whom we ensure business success for hundreds of clients.

We are members of the American Chamber of Commerce AmCham, CISEx - Croatian Independent Software Exporters Association, the AHK Croatia and the Croatian AI Association (CroAI), and we support the work of local branches Project Management Institute (PMI) and International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA).

We respond to different business challenges by transferring world knowledge, innovative business solutions, following trends and flexibility. We ensure business growth at all technological levels by focused work.

Mission, Vision & Principles

Rejoice often as much as you can, have the ability to win the respect of the wise people, devotion of young people and appreciation of your true critics. To love and appreciate beauty, to find the good in others, to leave the world a little more happier place to live (R. V. Emerson)- with a smiling partner, happier co-worker, cheerful family.



We want to keep the status of a reliable partner on the domestic and world market growing long-term, fair partnership with our customers. We try to keep the confidence of customers by providing top quality ICT solutions, quality service and taking care of customers satisfaction. The power of TIS is life and work according to the principles who encourage our employees to continuous personal and professional growth.



More than 30 years of successful business experience leads us on position as a regional leader. We want to spread our business to the global market. Our vision as a modernand reliable company implies recognition of its high standards of quality, innovative solutions and services we provide to our customers.



  • live freely and responsibly
  • be self-critical
  • be ethical
  • learn
  • love
  • creative act

Quality & Information Security

We want to keep the status of a reliable partner on the domestic and world market growing long-term, fair partnership with our customers.

The high reputation and recognition of our company in the market is achieved through commitment to customers and the dedication of our employees to continuous professional development and knowledge. Quality and information security objectives, operational and action plans and other objectives are aligned with the company's strategic goals. These objectives also comply with legal, regulatory, contractual requirements and requirements related to information security which the company is committed to respecting. Quality and information security objectives are documented, regularly monitored, and updated. TIS GRUPA is committed to preserving the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information and to continually improve its quality and information security management system. Quality and information security management system is applicable to all organizational units as well as to third parties involved in quality and information security management system. Our commitment to quality and information security is integrated into our vision, mission, strategy, objectives, business processes and integrated management system that adhere to international standards ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2022.

Quality Management System standard:ISO 9001:2015

Information Security Management System standard: ISO/IEC 27001:2022




We evolve quality long-term partnerships and inspirational business culture

We are focused on developing long-term partnership relationships with quality products, quality communication and continuous client consulting. The world’s leading ICT companies  IBM, K2, Namirial, Oracle, Mikrocop, Automation Anywhere, RedHat i DSi Compliance are our partners whose contemporary solutions we tailor to the specific needs of our customers.

IBM partner

TIS Grupa d.o.o. is IBM Partner since 1999.  Along with selling and implementing IBM solutions, TIS is also developing add-on solutions to different IBM tools.

  • Partnership since 1999
  • More than 120 IBM certificates
  • Silver Business Partner
  • Authorized IBM Support Providing Partner
  • Implementation and use of IBM solutions
  • Development of Add-on solutions for IBM tools
  • Authorized and certified resellers of IBM licenses


TIS Grupa d.o.o. has been Oracle PartnerNetwork Member since 2008, with the privilege of distribution and implementation of Oracle solutions and services, as well as providing technical support for implemented products

  • Partnership since 2000
  • Oracle SOA and DWH technologies
  • Certified experts
  • Custom solutions development
  • Distribution and implementation of solutions and services
  • Technical support for implemented products


Namirial is a Trust Service Provider, focused on addressing the fast growing market of Digital Transaction Management (DTM), which includes legally compliant electronic signatures, managing and tracking documents flows, conducting secure transactions and ensuring secure storage of data.

  • Legally compliant electronic signatures
  • Managing and monitoring the flow of documents
  • Support for all modern digital signature methods
  • Video identification




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We model and implement modern user interfaces, powerful business processes and reports. The K2 platform is used by more than 1.5 million users in more than 80 countries.

  • Partnership since 2013 with SourceCode Technology Holding Inc.
  • Accelerated development of business solutions
  • Practical experience in complex implementations
  • Corporate solutions
  • Individual departmental applications

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We are partners with Mikrocop, a company from Ljubljana, for several years. We have been cooperating in the field of implementation of digital business transformation systems. Our TIS eSIG solution for digital and handwritten document signing is integrated into business processes executed by the Mikrocop's system for document and business process management InDOC EDGE. We have achieved successful cooperation on several large and medium-sized projects in the financial and public health sector.




Automation Anywhere is the leader in Robotic Process Automation (RPA), the platform on which more organizations build world-class Intelligent Digital Workforces.

Automation Anywhere’s enterprise-grade platform uses software bots that work side by side with people to do much of the repetitive work in many industries. It combines sophisticated RPA, AI and embedded analytic technologies. Over 1,400 organizations use this AI-enabled solution to manage and scale business processes faster, with near-zero error rates, while dramatically reducing operational costs. Automation Anywhere provides automation technology to leading financial services, insurance, healthcare, technology, manufacturing, telecom and logistics companies globally.

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TIS Group d.o.o. has been Red Hat business partner since 2019. Currently TIS is holding Ready Solution Provider parthership level maintaining main focus on integration and development opensource platforms.

  • Partnership since 2019
  • 9 certified specialists
  • Accreditations in areas od Middleware Solutions and Cloud Infrastructure
  • Ready Solution Provider partnership level


In order to raise the level of community awareness and responsibility, TIS supports various humanitarian and sponsorship activities, as an unseparable part of its business policy.

Table Tennis Club "STK TIS"

TIS is sponsor of table tennis club “STK TIS” achieving supreme results in ladies superleague as well in the competition of young kadets.


Croatian Musical Youth association

TIS is also sponsor of yearly award "IVO VUJEVIĆ", being the award provided by Croatian Musical Youth association, for the best achievement of the young musicansperforming classical music.

Mr. Radovan Vlatković, today wordly known cornist, was the first awarded winner. Since then, numerous young musicians, solists and ansambles, having substantial success at home and abroad, has been awarded.


We have regionally been recognized as a reliable partner in the development of innovative business solutions in the financial, telecommunications, manufacturing, transportation and logistics industries, as well as in the public sector.


  • Savings and added value for the end customer
  • Earnings optimization and increasing customer satisfaction
  • Working with clients on the development of competitive advantages
  • Development of state-of-the-art solutions for the client
  • Following trends
  • Operating costs reduction
  • Process automation

Transport and logistics

  • Data transfer to business partners
  • Safety
  • Internal IT systems improvement
  • Long-term sustainable IT development strategy
  • Automation
  • Costs reduction
  • Precision


  • More quality business operations
  • 24/7 provision of services
  • Maximum service availability
  • Minimum operating costs


  • Optimization
  • Development of systems for the collection, processing and utilization of information

Public sector

  • Providing support to state institutions
  • Improving and supporting the existing business systems
  • Development of quality and competitive services
  • Quality service for citizens and business entities


TIS makes references by working on numerous IT projects


Recently Zaba has implemented domestic local currency nominated instant payments.

While being one of the products from „payments“ family, it is based on new end-to-end technical concept and clearing standards, and brings absolutely unique advantages to clients. All these factors and short deadline for implementation required from us new approach to many aspects, and one of them was onboarding of external Project manager @Alan Budak from @TIS.

Such assignment was quite new experience for the Bank and myself, but professionalism and dedication of the assigned Project Manager in all aspects meat our needs and expectations.  He immediately managed to understand organisational structure, IT infrastructure, maintained effective cooperation with internal and external stakeholders. There was true atmosphere of trust in Project Team with direct communication, so in case of gap or mistake we did not waste time to run useless investigations, but concentrated on corrective actions and solutions. All project management activities were performed in a very efficient way.

Project was finished in time and covered implementation of all functionalities we had planned to have.

Alexey Yaniyev, Head of Global Transaction Banking, Zagrebačka banka

"In 2019 our company marked a decade of cooperation with TIS. This certainly would not be possible if we, as their users, are not extremely happy. Through these 10 years, we have worked together in various areas and applied diverse models of collaboration which ultimately brought us to the point where we look at TIS as a reliable partner. It is undisputedly worth pointing out that at certain stages a significant part of our development team consisted precisely of colleagues from TIS, who fit perfectly into our work environment and with their knowledge and experience contributed to the successful realization of various projects."


Neven Kovačević, CIO, Erste Bank Croatia

"Human relationships and relations made at the very beginning condition every collaboration. With TIS Group we have established a mutual professional, honest, reliable relation and at the same time we have achieved an understanding of customer needs throughout the whole product’s implementation and development cycle. Our collaboration was established back in 1997 with the introduction of Connect: Direct and continued with the introduction of Sterling B2B and the production of mobile applications. In such partnership we have successfully, professionally and timely addressed all challenges."

Branko Lozej, Head of Department of Informatic Infrastructure, Intereuropa

“We have a long-standing cooperation with TIS OIS on the development and improvement of PBZ’s applicative solutions. We have excellent experience on all projects where TIS employees had been working on, regardless of their profiles and roles. Migration projects such as Retail deposit from mainframe technology to open system and migration of Međimurska banka’s operations to PBZ from the beginning of our collaboration are the type of projects we can emphasize as the example. Due to good experience, our cooperation subsequently extended to the DWH / BI area, credit risks, CRM, credit operations with FO / PO and internal and external exchange, i.e. to almost all segments of the bank's core business."

Vladimir Ilić, CEO, Applicative support of Privredna banka Zagreb

“Doing business with TIS has been a true pleasure for us. We have been impressed with the experience and the professional approach they have shown.
TIS were able to quickly engage their B2B expertise in the middle of an ongoing project, identify our requirements and commit to deliver on-time.
Their commitment has been a leading factor in our success introducing the IBM Sterling B2B solution at Riyad Bank. Their continuous support, though offshore, is what keeps Riyad Bank keen to future engagements and projects.”

Aiedh Al-Zahrani, CIO, Riyad Bank